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« Wandi | Main | Review: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol »

Friday, December 01, 2006



Dude, lounge music rules!
if you like pompougnac you'll love zero7, massive attack and the gotan project.

dJ phuturecybersonique

as far as life changing experiences with the ipod, i had mine documented on it has proven to be a very good companion during those long moments being stuck in traffic jams. i ditched itunes in favor of anapod explorer ( and never looked back since. these days i'm contemplating on getting the 80gb version as i'm only left with about 5gb on my 4th gen 40gb ipod.


I am glad you 'discovered' the joy of iPod.My story about it is in my blog
My old 40G G3 iPod is now with my son and I am now using the one like yours.

Btw, I have extra space for another 24GB.When can we meet to share some music/videos?

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