With a couple of kilos added and gone bald after your "bercukur kenduri" (40-day old head shaving ritual) --- Aqil (my first nephew) looks so round and cute. At a brief visit yesterday, I closely observe your multiple intelligence developement.
What an exciting time to be around baby growth and triggers what was learned in psychology and learning theory; of which, his brain probably weighs 1lb and that his neurons are making 5k-50k connections.
Hey Aqil, your uncle here can't wait to understand your learning cycle. And reflecting on mine, I totally believe in Kolb's 4 different processes/styles inventory in each cycle and I don't think I've been doing a good job leveraging on the placing the right cycle and the right sequence and control of different cycle.
So, I would like you to develop better EQ (Concrete Experience), have high IQ and able to visualize much more complex conpect (Abstract Conceptualization), take more risks (Active Experimentation), and that you make better judgment calls (Reflective Observation).
Here are some pictures of you on September 4th 2005 when you were showing me some good early progress of each process I mentioned earlier.
Maybe some day, with all the right technology --- future babies after you could be clinically monitored in real-time of thier brain activities (online) and we will be able to prescribe the right learning objects to the maid at home (mom and dad at work) so that we could provide much richer learning experience.
Maybe this is where the future of e-learning is all about --- back to basics with high context, low semantics, and greater sequence , navigation, and control.
Interesting points (and a very cute little boy)... but should and could we use technology to truly mold human nature? Even as we are who we are today because of either our nature or how we were nurtured or not (perhaps) everyone still has their gifts and proclivities and we should help people leverage them as they are and benefit from working together in teams. I too could use a little more EQ :)
Posted by: Natalie | Friday, December 01, 2006 at 11:55 PM
hey...comel nya..geraMmmmm!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: MisSy J | Friday, September 16, 2005 at 06:34 PM
Aqiel really do looks like your sis-in-law right...
Posted by: Azlan | Tuesday, September 06, 2005 at 11:17 AM