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Wednesday, May 04, 2005



Abercrombie and Fitch Officiel Site.Bienvenue drudgery old hat deceive out-dated parcourir Abercrombie France deportment en ligne, Abercrombie france vente en ligne Vogue Unwell Belstaff en France, Abercrombie parisvous pouvez acheter la qualite superieure et escompte.

bruno mars

I was trying to add your RSS feed to my reader, but it didn't work. =/ Any ideas on other ways to subscribe to your site?


halloween san francisco

Keep working ,great job!. Have Happy Halloween!

We Buy Ugly Houses

You are the greatest!



been there once...nice ikan bakar.tasted the coconut s well


Wow! Nice pictures!

Review for MakanSakan la weiiii =)


Woo, I love the seafood at Teluk Tempoyak!!


great pics! Have fond memories of Teluk Tempoyak after a visit there last yr. Friend brought us for the ikan bakar (nice!!).. did you try the coconut special? =)


Nice pics. Did you use a blue filter or did you photshop it?


no wonder u looked familiar! i was the one going around asking ppl to sign the guestbook at adeliza's wedding. she set the record straight for me earlier today. so you're the famous haxa!


hmm... didn't know this place, but may try the next time go penang, since you recommend, haha.

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