It's a special day, it's December 28th and I am 28 today! Thanks for all the wishes and greetings.
- To my Creator, I pray for your forgiveness and guidance for the coming years,
- To my family, thanks for raising me and for being there through thick and thin,
- To my circle of friends, let's renew our friendship to a new height,
- To colleagues whom I treated with Sushi King meals today, may our friendship goes a long way, and
- To those who know me, thanks for being a part of my life.
However, let's not forget to those who had left us this year. Al-Fatihah to Kak Yong's baby who died in the womb earlier today. Also, to Mak Co who passed away in the first week of Ramadhan this year. And the same goes to the 22,000 over victims of the recent Asian earthquake and tsunami.
And here I am ready for 2005. I hope as visual as this gets, it'll get me ramp up to achieve each item on the list. Happy New Year everyone.

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