It's a special day, it's December 28th and I am 28 today! Thanks for all the wishes and greetings.
- To my Creator, I pray for your forgiveness and guidance for the coming years,
- To my family, thanks for raising me and for being there through thick and thin,
- To my circle of friends, let's renew our friendship to a new height,
- To colleagues whom I treated with Sushi King meals today, may our friendship goes a long way, and
- To those who know me, thanks for being a part of my life.
However, let's not forget to those who had left us this year. Al-Fatihah to Kak Yong's baby who died in the womb earlier today. Also, to Mak Co who passed away in the first week of Ramadhan this year. And the same goes to the 22,000 over victims of the recent Asian earthquake and tsunami.
And here I am ready for 2005. I hope as visual as this gets, it'll get me ramp up to achieve each item on the list. Happy New Year everyone.

demandoj. Ci tiuj kreitajoj nenion suspektas -- ili tute ne komprenas la sarkasmon. Neniam dum mia vivo mi estis tiel kontenta, tiel trankvila, tiel plena de bena paco, kiel hierau, kiam mi eksciis, ke Mikel-Angelo ne vivas plu. Ni eltiris ci tiun sciigon el nia gvidisto. Li kondukis nin tra mejloj da pentrajoj kaj skulptajoj en la vastaj koridoroj de Vatikano, tra mejloj da pentrajoj kaj skulptajoj en dudek aliaj palacoj; li montris al ni la grandan pentrajon de la Siksta Kapelo kaj freskojn, kiuj suficus por freskigi la tutan cielon, -- preskau cio estis farita de Mikel-Angelo. Ni decidis uzi kontrau li rimedon, per kiu ni venkis jam multajn gvidistojn -- malsago kaj idiotaj demandoj. Ci tiuj kreitajoj nenion suspektas -- ili tute ne komprenas la sarkasmon.
Posted by: paul | Monday, March 21, 2005 at 09:28 PM
huik? happy belated birthday bro! i just got my hands on the SFU first season dvds.. can't wait to spend my raya weekend glued to the tv.
selamat hari raya to u too!
Posted by: caza | Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 10:56 AM
happy belated bday to u!
May all your 2005 resolution come true!!
Posted by: MisSy J | Wednesday, January 05, 2005 at 05:20 PM
happy belated b'day...sorry aku lupa! semoga hidup dirahmati Allah, murah rezeki, sihat tubuh badan, panjang umur, etc..and lastly semoga ketemu jodohnya pakkkk :-) tak kan tak de anak mami jarum kat penang nun..
Posted by: jemi | Tuesday, January 04, 2005 at 12:36 PM
Happy birthday Haxa!
Bila nak kahwin??
Posted by: Abedib | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 06:09 PM
Singgah sebentar. Peminat Six Feet Under juga.
Posted by: Jimi | Thursday, December 30, 2004 at 06:07 PM
heppi besdayy haxa....:)
Posted by: zz | Tuesday, December 28, 2004 at 03:59 PM