Dramaturg, Director: Noordin Ahmad
Produced by: Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka
Date: July 29th - August 4th, 2004
Venue: Auditorium DBKL
I watched this show on the opening night with some bloggers' friends. I love the fact that the director gives us a "mental masturbation" on few concurrent plots on a unified theme. And based on mixed reactions from friends after the show, I think that it is a challenge to use theater as a medium to produce something as non-linear as Demi Zaitun. For non-linear film such as The Hour, it was successfully done because of the versatility of the medium.
Nevertheless, my review is that this one of the best religous theater I have ever seen. It uses the verse of At-Tin (The Fig) as reference:
4. Certainly We created man in the best make.
5. Then We render him the lowest of the low,
And runs different stories namely; the history and reality of Malays in Penang , the love of Tina and Izzikri, and the madness of a professor. I give high points to well-written scripts; rich historical background, choreograph, well done boria scene, and good acting by these ensembles:
a. Betty Benafe (Tina) "Yang saya dengar, pada suatu bulan Muharram, masa permainan sedang rancak berjalan, tiba-tiba pemain-pemain boria ini jatuh menggelupur, mulut berbuih, mata terbeliak dan terus mati. Sungguh dahsyat. Sebegitu ramai yang mati, jenazah diusung ..."
b. Sahronizam Noor (Izzikri) "Jerman berperang dengan British, Tanjung kena tembak. Jepun berperang dengan British, Tanjung kena bom. Mana boleh jadi begini? Salah datuk nenek kita barangkali?"
c. Ahmad Tarmimi Siregar (Farouk Khan) "Renungilah sejenak segala malapetaka yang telah tersurat di dalam lembaran sejarah, bagaimana Semenanjung Tanah Melayu yang telah didaifkan dan figuratively speaking telah dirogoli oleh bangsat-bangsat ini!"
d. Normala Omar (Mami) "Pak penakan saya nama Cik Mat jadi kepala penyamun. Dikeluarkan dari dalam tempayan. Sejak malam tu, orang gelar dia Cik Mat Tempayan. Amboi, orang Melayu Pulau Pinang cukup kreatif dan bijak fasal bagi gelaran!"
e. Sarah Shahrun (Prof. Angeline) "Di dalam dunia yang agak kasar, saya telah ketemu dengan sesuatu yang paling halus. Sebiji zaitun dari gunung yang barakah datangnya bersama hujan."
f. Zulhaila Siregar (Suara Syahdu) "Dan yang paling memilukan adalah kekesalan; kekesalan yang boleh memporak-perandakan keseluruhan sahsiah dan menghilangkan makam yang pernah dianugerahkan dengan rahman dan rahim"
g. Norzizi Zulkifli (Yasmin) "Kahwin mutaah, kahwin seks untuk terus hidup! Hidup senang, mewah. Segala-galanya halal!"
h. Mazin Ameen Siraj (Inspektor Shiraj) "A few of my Malay friends have told me that, by and large, the Penang Malays have a defeatist attitude. Suka a-a mengeluh saja!"
i. Adman Salleh (Prof. Amin) "Jatuh kasih dengan pemuda dunia. Tetapi dia terpaksa balik ke kayangan dengan hati yang lara."
j. Safura Ya'cob (Nadia) "Profesor yang dijadikan Tuhan di tahap yang tinggi, janganlah menurunkan diri ke tahap yang sungguh rendah."
This theater does not only deliver entertainment, but strong message that we have to keep dear and near to our heart. For that, I have reread Surah At-Tin and finally understand what the laurette (director) conveys in this production.
Commentary of Chapter 95 (Al-Tin - The Fig) of the Holy Quran
by Dr. Basharat Ahmad
Translated by Imam Kalamazad Mohammed
"In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. By the fig and the olive!
2. And Mount Sinai!
3. And this City made secure! -
4. Certainly We created man in the best make.
5. Then We render him the lowest of the low,
6. Except those who believe and do good; so theirs is a reward never to be cut off.
7. So who can give the lie to thee after this about the Judgement?
8. Is not Allah the Best of the Judges?"
This chapter was revealed at Makkah.
In the previous chapter, Al-Inshirah (The Expansion), Allah, Most High, had promised the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that his reputation would become exalted. In this chapter, it is stated that man is the best of all creatures, and by nature, he possesses the highest talents and capabilities; and to get the best results, they must be used in a measured manner. If proof is needed, we should look at those people who nourish their natural potential according to the commands of Allah and who maintain their true nature on the principle of moderation and see how high they rise in life. These are the ones upon whom Allah has bestowed His favours and who walk along the straight path which is the way of the prophets and saints of Allah. Thus, those who develop their God-given aptitudes and abilities attain such a high rank that they are regarded with honour both in this world and the next, and among them, the prophets Moses (AS) and Jesus (AS) and the prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, have been specially mentioned in this chapter and evidence of their being the best of Allah's creation has been professed.
1. Demi Zaitun: Pementasan Teater Perdana, Buku Program, 2004
2. Commentary of Chapter 95 (Al-Tin - The Fig) of the Holy Quran, Dr. Basharat Ahmad, Online
nice, haza. very nice. i don't know that there are many reviewers or writers out there who write on theatre and religion. i love that you are connecting the dots. also, thanks for making me read the translation of The Fig. i hope you are doing well.
Posted by: mrsuaidi | Thursday, October 28, 2004 at 08:33 PM
agree with zsarina. and what a good job you've done with the write-up.
Posted by: karina | Thursday, October 14, 2004 at 11:10 AM
Haza, thanks for the review. Demi Zaitun does sound intriguing!
Posted by: Zsarina | Monday, August 02, 2004 at 08:38 PM