Upon noticing my Yahoo Messenger status: Philip Glass Einstein on A Beach, a good friend of mine started a deep, thoughtful conversation, so profound, that it gives me a new perspective at our existence. Thankfully I don’t have to eat today as I fast, (one of the spiritual rituals that I find so peaceful and so meaningful) to have this great chat.
About Philip Glass, yes, Einstein on A Beach was one of his masterpieces. And it was an opera he created in 1976. This Saturday I will be watching VHS on the making of the opera and I will be also checking out CDs or perhaps DVD of this genius composer. That reminds me to also look out for Pat Metheny Group CDs. I have mp3’ed some of these, and they are brilliant work of the best composer and best contemporary jazz of our age that gives me the urge to get them.
Enjoy the chat transcript.
psychdragon_2000: Einstein on the beach? counting crows song?
haxa: philip glass piece
haxa: it was an opera someone told me
psychdragon_2000: who's that?
psychdragon_2000: okay. sound anything like the counting crows song?haxa: never heard of the countring crows's song, ... philip glass is a composer
haxa: wah ... kewl goatee with guitar
psychdragon_2000: hmm... i'll have to listen to it then. how old is this piece?
haxa: 1976
psychdragon_2000: i see.
psychdragon_2000: that's the year you were born.
haxa: http://www.philipglass.com/einstein.html
haxa: so memorable ... hehehe
psychdragon_2000: the counting crows song actually reminds me of the theories of harun yahya. the perception of matter.
psychdragon_2000: heard of it?
haxa: have not .. what it is about?
psychdragon_2000: hold on to your seat. what i tell you might change your outlook on life as you know it.
psychdragon_2000: in your opinion, how do we perceive the world?
haxa: wah ... tell lah
psychdragon_2000: we use our five major senses right?
haxa: yes
psychdragon_2000: sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.
haxa: yes ... 5 of them
haxa: got some more to it, is it?
psychdragon_2000: what do we use to do these?
psychdragon_2000: do we see with our eyes?
psychdragon_2000: do we hear with our ears?
haxa: using our organs
psychdragon_2000: we use our organs to send signals directly to the brain.
psychdragon_2000: what we see in our eyes are processed by a small and dark corner at the back of the brain which interprets it as sight.
psychdragon_2000: betul tak?
haxa: world <-- senses <--- organs <-- brain
haxa: yes
haxa: u are right
psychdragon_2000: so we don't really "see" with our eyes right?
psychdragon_2000: same goes for sound, touch, taste, etc.
psychdragon_2000: now, remember "the matrix"?
haxa: hehhe... the study of visual system is always amazing
psychdragon_2000: what is real?
psychdragon_2000: is it what you touch, see, taste and smell?
psychdragon_2000: what is real to you is what your brain interprets as real.
psychdragon_2000: and so far the only way we believe that to be real is by believeing that we have eyes, ears, arms etc.
haxa: because those are tangibles
psychdragon_2000: rukun iman does not state "percaya kepada mata" and such, right?
psychdragon_2000: those are tangibles which we believe to be tangible.
haxa: and to believe that those perception of reality through brain processing .... it's exactly the same as in the "percaya pada yang ghaib .." in the opening of Al-Baqarah
psychdragon_2000: now, say for instance we are able to mimic the same electronic signals sent by the organs to the brain.
haxa: that'd be a great achievement
psychdragon_2000: true. but let's just assume it's possible.
haxa: sounds like economics
haxa: let's assume ...
psychdragon_2000: theoretically, what is real to the brain now?
haxa: the signals
psychdragon_2000: right.
psychdragon_2000: what if i were to tell you that we don't exist?
psychdragon_2000: not in physical form that is.
psychdragon_2000: but purely as a soul.
haxa: you mean our soul, consciousness?
psychdragon_2000: yes. According to harun yahya. it has been proven even by modern science that matter may not even be as real as the soul.
psychdragon_2000: when i'm talking to you physically, shaking hands etc. it's our brains communicating using the "outside world" as a tool for communication, just like we use the internet to chat like this.
psychdragon_2000: a line in the counting crows song goes "if everything is nothing then are we anything?"
haxa: and whoever creates internet must be brilliant
psychdragon_2000: it refers to Einstein’s atomic theory.
haxa: yes ... "are we anything"?
haxa: how do u relate to Einstein atomic theory?
psychdragon_2000: in the end when we look at everything to a molecular state.
psychdragon_2000: we only get vacuum.
psychdragon_2000: what is matter? a collection of substances.
psychdragon_2000: what are substances? a collection of atoms.
psychdragon_2000: what are atoms? a collection of molecules.
psychdragon_2000: what are molecules? basically, protons, neutrons and electrons right?
haxa: yes
psychdragon_2000: but protons neutrons and electrons have no mass.
haxa: got level of energy under those protons, neutrons and electrons
psychdragon_2000: they might have weight.
psychdragon_2000: right.
psychdragon_2000: but in the end, it's vacuum.
psychdragon_2000: try looking at this website: www.harunyahya.com
psychdragon_2000: a lot of interesting theories there.
psychdragon_2000: nobody has ever got to rebuttle his theories.
haxa: lemme check
psychdragon_2000: I believe "Alam Ghaib" can be somewhat theorized using this theory.
psychdragon_2000: alam ghaib might be the absolute real world.
psychdragon_2000: and since we're trapped in the physical world with nothing to depend on but our five senses, how do we know that colour, sound, or even oxygen exists?
psychdragon_2000: and since it has also been said that Allah can create anything out of nothing. this could be the explanation.
psychdragon_2000: what do you think?
haxa: all makes sense and strenghten our faith
psychdragon_2000: a multiverse may exist.
psychdragon_2000: and since time itself is also a perception, what's to say that everything is happening at the same moment? the moment you were born, the moment you take your first steps, the moment you go to school, the moment you die. it could all be the same moment if that moment ever existed.
haxa: yep... what if it never exist. we could never be here
psychdragon_2000: yup.
psychdragon_2000: i think it's a very interesting discussion.
psychdragon_2000: looked at the site?
haxa: and we could go on and on about it
haxa: yes
haxa: some very good resources there
psychdragon_2000: yeah. and i'm amazed at how we can actually connect everything together.
psychdragon_2000: i believe someone did say that to understand the world around you, you must first understand the world within you.
psychdragon_2000: i recommend you read "the little man in the tower"
haxa: yes, we don't understand ourselves, ... could never understand and appreciate others
haxa: nanti i baca
psychdragon_2000: yup. not asking you to read now.
psychdragon_2000: maybe print and baca later kat rumah ke.
haxa: ok .. heheh ... i'll save it
psychdragon_2000: so, the outside world may actually be inside us.
psychdragon_2000: something you might want to put in your blog.
haxa: i will talk about this chat
haxa: hehe
psychdragon_2000: hmm... bila baca balik the chat, nampak cam interview lak.
haxa: that's why
haxa: like Big Thinker on TechTV
haxa: heheh
psychdragon_2000: oh, did you know, all the staff of techTV have been given 60days notice?
haxa: really?
psychdragon_2000: yup.
haxa: are they going bankrupt?
psychdragon_2000: comcast bought over and fired everyone.
haxa: wah ... crazy
haxa: it's gonna be huge anyway
haxa: with comcast coming in
psychdragon_2000: yup. but i don't think it would do us any good.
haxa: well, we'll see
haxa: maybe comcast got different direction
psychdragon_2000: comcast is more of a business pro org.
haxa: eh, u don't mind i put this chat transcript on my blogs for today's posting?
psychdragon_2000: for us techies, we prefer the stuff techTV shows us.
psychdragon_2000: nope. no prob.
de Mikel-Angelo. Ni decidis uzi kontrau li rimedon, per kiu ni venkis jam multajn gvidistojn -- malsago kaj idiotaj demandoj. Ci tiuj kreitajoj nenion suspektas -- ili tute ne komprenas la sarkasmon. Neniam dum mia vivo mi estis tiel kontenta, tiel trankvila, tiel plena de bena paco, kiel hierau, kiam mi eksciis, ke Mikel-Angelo ne vivas plu. Ni eltiris ci tiun sciigon el nia gvidisto. Li kondukis nin tra mejloj da pentrajoj kaj skulptajoj en la vastaj koridoroj de Vatikano, tra mejloj da pentrajoj kaj skulptajoj en dudek aliaj palacoj; li montris al ni la grandan pentrajon de la Siksta Kapelo kaj freskojn, kiuj suficus por freskigi la tutan cielon, -- preskau cio estis farita de Mikel-Angelo. Ni decidis uzi kontrau li rimedon, per kiu ni venkis jam multajn gvidistojn -- malsago kaj idiotaj demandoj. Ci tiuj kreitajoj nenion suspektas -- ili tute ne komprenas la sarkasmon.
Posted by: john | Monday, March 21, 2005 at 09:52 PM
"and since we're trapped in the physical world with nothing to depend on but our five senses, how do we know that colour, sound, or even oxygen exists?"
I don't think they exist at all, they are purely sensory perceptions created by our brains and nervous system. For example, our perception of color is simply our discrimination of slightly different wavelengths of light.
"and since time itself is also a perception, what's to say that everything is happening at the same moment?"
I don't think we actually physically perceive time, not in the way we perceive the physical senses. I think our experience of time is purely mental.
Nice chat transcript, I'll check out harunyahya.com. I had written something very similar (using the Matrix as an anology)-
Would be interested to hear your thoughts.
Posted by: Steve Lang | Friday, October 15, 2004 at 02:38 AM
Interestingly Mr Haxa, the conversation you had has been expounded by Imam ar-Rabbani Ahmad al-Farruqi as-Sirhindi (a Sunni Naqshabandi scholar) in his al-Maqtubat. Find out this extremely important book.
Posted by: nnydd | Friday, May 21, 2004 at 10:28 PM
There are a few books locally available by Harun Yahya. Pls buy and read; it will change the way you look at things and time.
Posted by: Abedib | Thursday, May 20, 2004 at 05:48 PM
Whoa lots of interesting material at www.harunyahya.com. And all free!
Posted by: zlanz | Thursday, May 20, 2004 at 04:52 PM