1. Love Liza - Sundance's Phillip Seymour Hoffman leading role
2. Love Actually - One of the best British romantic comedy. An ensemble cast
3. LOTR: Return of The King - Third installation of the Oscar's best picture winner
4. Les Miserables - The concert that has got some great casts and performers, e.g. Colm Wilkinson, Micheal Ball, etc.
5. Passion of Christ - Linear historical event
6. Man On The Train - French movie
I have bith the felowship and two towers 4 dvd set. I dont think they have releases the 4 dvd set for ROTK yet...
Posted by: KaZ | Thursday, May 13, 2004 at 06:31 PM
I only got the movie version ... great copy with great sound and pictures without the extended version and the bonus features.
Fische, where did you get the DVDs?
Posted by: haxa | Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 10:52 AM
Haza, the LOTR set I got was the 4DVD set, it is the extended plus some other stuff. Is that the one you got?
Kaz, is the one I got the one you are looking for?
Posted by: TiFische | Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 09:04 AM
Im still waiting for the 4DVD extended version of ROTK.
Is your copy of passion good? Do they have the making etc included?
Posted by: KaZ | Monday, May 10, 2004 at 10:09 PM