Besides being creative, I'd say that our director's touch on food is just good as the abstractions he visualizes. On a very hungry evening, as I just arrived at the studio, I looked into the fridge for anything good to eat and there were the pita breads, the tuna in the big tupperware, the salad, etc. So I took them out, and upon noticing this, Rohaizad quickly took them from me and made these very good sandwiches. Really good, i tell ya. Last weekend, he made this great pizza with vege toppings that screams fabulous food all over it. So simple, so awesome, yet so simple. Our production meetings and rehearsals have always been great with these good food, good people, and good stuff to learn.
malsago kaj idiotaj demandoj. Ci tiuj kreitajoj nenion suspektas -- ili tute ne komprenas la sarkasmon. Neniam dum mia vivo mi estis tiel kontenta, tiel trankvila, tiel plena de bena paco, kiel hierau, kiam mi eksciis, ke Mikel-Angelo ne vivas plu. Ni eltiris ci tiun sciigon el nia gvidisto. Li kondukis nin tra mejloj da pentrajoj kaj skulptajoj en la vastaj koridoroj de Vatikano, tra mejloj da pentrajoj kaj skulptajoj en dudek aliaj palacoj; li montris al ni la grandan pentrajon de la Siksta Kapelo kaj freskojn, kiuj suficus por freskigi la tutan cielon, -- preskau cio estis farita de Mikel-Angelo. Ni decidis uzi kontrau li rimedon, per kiu ni venkis jam multajn gvidistojn -- malsago kaj idiotaj demandoj. Ci tiuj kreitajoj nenion suspektas -- ili tute ne komprenas la sarkasmon.
Posted by: elephant | Monday, March 21, 2005 at 09:51 PM
the filling for the tuna pita:
good quality mayonaise (i use a german brand with lemon), a few spoonfuls of capers, lots of chopped RED onions, lots of freshly ground black pepper, and use CHUNKY canned tuna.
plus, lots of LURVE :-)
Posted by: mr suaidi | Saturday, June 19, 2004 at 11:32 AM
uhhh...i'm just famish looking at the pics...
hi haxa..nice to meet you!nice pics as well!
Posted by: cekya | Tuesday, June 08, 2004 at 05:34 PM
Looks simply yummy. For the filling, is it just tuna, mayo and onion?
Posted by: kent | Wednesday, May 26, 2004 at 04:10 PM