1. The much awaited Palm OS6 code named Cobalt might hit the market at the end of quarter three later this year
2. Rumors have it that new Zire and Tungsten models will be released soon
3. Sony Handheld Engines aren't that impressive yet, the TH55 processor's performance slugs the entire experience when Clie Organizer is loaded with lots of PIM data
4. NX series screen size for the UX55, maybe?
5. 'Swappable' GSM/GPRS antenna with the Wi-fi?
6. The Marathon multimedia accelerator that will also support MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and Windows Media will be soon built-in into the processers
7. Better camera resolution - maybe they can pass that VGA resolution soon
8. Faster XScale processor. 533MHz should be standard soon.
9. GapiDraw, a SDK graphics for Pocket PC, has been updated to support Palm OS devices. New Tapwave (Palm machine for games) devices performance would get much better
10. And finally, bad economy, thin wallet, and where the h&%# is my bonus?
1. Brighthand.com
2. PalmInfoCenter.com
3. ClieSource.com