I googled the news last night to read the earliest postings by major news syndication that will for sure review the finale of SATC, and at about 2 in the morning, there you go ... 365 related news already writing and commenting on all the happy ending to the show ... days before most papers like USA Today already built up the anticipation to the finale ... and 350 others did the same thing.
And since this one says goodbye as well as Friends too this year, and we are now left with The Sopranos and Six Feet Under for that really good drama (comedy) shows.
There are lots of things that we all should learn from Michael Patrick King (SATC producer) as well as the writer team that made this show successful. So, minus the formulaic equation of sex sells, the leaves us with character development, how strong each character was, how well was each developed, how wisdoms has developed over the six year on nearly 100 episodes, i.e. from being naive to being matured, from being single to relationship and commitment, and being from heavy comedy show to a serious one.
And credit has to go to fashion really plays a big role in this show. Success like this will become testament to new marketing strategy that synergies branding and an array of lifestyles that sometimes can be too imaginary. Last night Cat Schwartz on TechTV introduced that new black NOKIA phone that has cool mp3 player that was produced as part of the campaign of promoting a singer, JayZee (I have to verify for this).
In all, let's wait for the movie of which the script will be ready by may this year. Till then, let's hunt for all the DVD boxes for collection. Seriously, I can't wait for the second season of Six Feet Under!!!