A dining night out with a company of dikir barat performing or shall I say rehearsing for a competition with a team from Seremban on 6th of March at 8.30pm was quite an experience. The restaurant serves some really good Kelantan cuisine. I must say that I love the Nasi Goreng Kerabu that was f#!%ign damn hot. I mean if you can't stand hot, you will probably scream your lungs out begging for cold Coke, gotta tell you that even the cucumber was damn hot.
Anyway, the Western selection kinda awful. The fish and chip was overcooked which I suppose the chef used the wrong oil. The fries were too crunchy. And for crying out loud, where was the mayoneise, would you believe that they serve fish and chip with chilli sauce. It's localization at worst, okay, hello, mr. chef, i hope you hear me out, OK!!!
Nevertheless, the grilled chicken chop was good. I mean it is so much better than Kenny Rogers or Nandos for that matter.
There were just so many people at this Sejati 555 restaurant, and we anticipate that with the election campaign that will start out soon, this place will be packed even.
Oh, before I even forget, the Lai Chi Kang was awesome. Well, I ordered watermelon juice, which was so-so, but after tried out my brother's Lai Chi Kang, I ordered one and enjoyed every drop, bits and pieces of it.
There was this other eating joint besides it, named the Frizz. It got this big screen display where they had karoake. I don't know, we might give it a try one day. Till then, happy eating.