Download file. On June 28, 2001, the Industrial Research Institute’s Process Effectiveness Network (PEN) hosted a panel discussion, “Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma in Research & Development (R&D) Organizations”. Based on early few implementers of Six Sigma in R&D, the panel concluded that Six Sigma in an R&D environment is worthy of consideration. Suffice to say that the elimination of defect, the core of 6 Sigma “3.4 per million opportunities” has intriguing implications for R&D as R&D exist to create, process, and products.
This paper provides a brief introduction to the Six Sigma; its philosophies and methodologies. The quality areas in R&D activities are then discussed prior to establishing the links with the Six Sigma. Opportunities and challenges in implementing Six Sigma in R&D environment are then discussed by reviewing the R&D processes, customers, implementation strategies, best practices, and lesson learnt.
Notify me in the Comment section if you are interested to have the complete document.
I do not see Six Sigma applied very much in the Research and Development life cycle in the process industries. There exists a culture on "not messing with innovation"... I would like to promote the concept of defects in R+D as an event (experiment or other) where you did not learn something. Learning from every experiment is essential in innovation.
Thanks, Far Mill
Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma
Posted by: Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma | Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 02:59 AM
I do not see Six Sigma applied very much in the Research and Development life cycle in the process industries. There exists a culture on "not messing with innovation"... I would like to promote the concept of defects in R+D as an event (experiment or other) where you did not learn something. Learning from every experiment is essential in innovation.
Thanks, Far Mill
Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma
Posted by: Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma | Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 02:31 AM
I do not see Six Sigma applied very much in the Research and Development life cycle in the process industries. There exists a culture on "not messing with innovation"... I would like to promote the concept of defects in R+D as an event (experiment or other) where you did not learn something. Learning from every experiment is essential in innovation.
Thanks, Far Mill
Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma
Posted by: Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma | Sunday, April 18, 2004 at 02:28 AM
I am interested in the complete file of this document.
Posted by: JR | Thursday, March 25, 2004 at 12:31 AM
I am interested in the file you mention.
Best regards -
Posted by: Eric Jones | Sunday, March 14, 2004 at 01:02 AM
I'm interesting about the complete file of this article.
Posted by: Arturo Lopez Valerio | Sunday, November 02, 2003 at 10:40 AM
noted you quoted my Research-Technology Management
article. Drop me an email and introduce yourself
when you have a chance.
Posted by: Albert Johnson | Wednesday, October 15, 2003 at 11:10 PM