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Wednesday, October 01, 2003


Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma

I do not see Six Sigma applied very much in the Research and Development life cycle in the process industries. There exists a culture on "not messing with innovation"... I would like to promote the concept of defects in R+D as an event (experiment or other) where you did not learn something. Learning from every experiment is essential in innovation.

Thanks, Far Mill
Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma

Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma

I do not see Six Sigma applied very much in the Research and Development life cycle in the process industries. There exists a culture on "not messing with innovation"... I would like to promote the concept of defects in R+D as an event (experiment or other) where you did not learn something. Learning from every experiment is essential in innovation.

Thanks, Far Mill
Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma

Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma

I do not see Six Sigma applied very much in the Research and Development life cycle in the process industries. There exists a culture on "not messing with innovation"... I would like to promote the concept of defects in R+D as an event (experiment or other) where you did not learn something. Learning from every experiment is essential in innovation.

Thanks, Far Mill
Achieve Breakthrough Performance through Six Sigma


I am interested in the complete file of this document.

Eric Jones

I am interested in the file you mention.

Best regards -

Arturo Lopez Valerio

I'm interesting about the complete file of this article.



Albert Johnson

noted you quoted my Research-Technology Management
article. Drop me an email and introduce yourself
when you have a chance.

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