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« The WTO Cancun Meeting; And The Farmer Kung Hae Lee Killed Himself | Main | Part II - Jaring Merge with TMNet? »

Monday, September 15, 2003



done a full LJ entry about my opinion.

I think it's not about jaring's and tmnet's segmentations, and I tend to agree with Pak Adib.
And it's not about monopoly either.
I'm not sure what our CE and Chairman think, but with Celcom - TM Cell merger still in the bag -
I don't think they would want to have another wave of merger and bad reps.
And TMNet has not generated much from what was expected.
And Telekom's current situation not very encouraging.

The backhand is biting Telekom/Jaring to do it. And it hurts.


I am sad to note that Jaring has to merge with TMNet.Both are technically owned by
the government and they should complement one another and not working against each
other.IMHO, they should be individually developed into stronger ISP's with
congruent national objectives but different characters and cultures.

What I am afraid is that both will share each other weaknesses and riding on one
another strengths.


Maybe we should as the minister... heh


Am literally scratching my head at the moment. How can regressing back into a monopoly be good for anyone except they themselves?

Perhaps there are some efficiency matters that they need to sort out, and maybe they are trying to achieve economies of scale or something (unlikely, but who know); but still that doesn't explain why other ISPs like are pulling the plug on their services.

At the end of it all, there may well be something good to come out of it all. But not before the people have to suffer, to some extent, first.


Obviously, the proposal from telekom to acquire Jaring came from the Government. When the rakyat cry foul, the matter was silenced for a while.
"They" let the dust settle down before reverting to Plan B.
The PM then tabled the budget, announcing the merger.
Now it make sense right?

My next quetion is, who are "they"?

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