To me, the government made serious mistake when they awarded Telekom Malaysia the ISP license. As an incumbent telecommunications service provider, it was of 'comparative advantage' and 'division of labor' for Telekom Malaysia to be the licensed as a wholeseller of bandwidth to others licensees, and let others 'play' in the ISP business.
Thus, same level of playing game among the ISP players. Telecommunications infrastructure is just too prohibitively expensive, so there is reciprocal relationship for telekom to gain on one side of the field and the rest on other.
Besides, what perplexed me all these while was the fact that the license was also provided to another government privatized firm, i.e Telekom Malaysia when Jaring monopoly was broken. I wouldn't mind the license goes to Maxis, Time, etc ...
Given all these, tell me whether TMNet has been an efficient ISP? Please go to Bluehyppo portal and rate it! And all the forums' thread nasty complains on Streamyx service quality.
Today, Telekom is still the monopoly force of the universal service provider in this country. And it is also ironic to learnt the CMC ties to Telekom Malaysia. you don't have to go further to figure that out! (e-mail me if you don't get this)
It is so disappointing that government could not solve this problem through solving the 'last mile' issue. Don't tell me that they we have to wait for GATS to push on this. It'll just be too late if reverse the fate once future governance have to make it level the game among domestic and foreign firms in the future.
I would never forget what John "Maddog" Hall told us at the FOSSCON 2003,
"Why let a one 80 billion person (read: Bill Gates) have all the money in software; when we can now have 80 000 millionaires, thus making the world a better place"
Monopoly is 'evil' and corporate giant normally follow this path.
CMC ties with Telekom Malaysia?
hmmmmm......... interesting. pls email me on that.
So far CMC has dogged Telekom, in my opinion.
USO sucks, they only paid us back less than 40% of what we expensed, and the rest of it is none in sight.
That's why we are treading on very carefully nowadays.
Asyik kena tipu jek.
Kena bear the cost, nama buruk, takde appreciation. Belum masuk bab cikgu ngan budak sekolah reti tak guna Internet for School... belum tentu lagi CMC nak bayar balik investment Telekom pasang VSAT merata-rata...
Alahai, sabar je la orang Telekom. :P :P :P
Posted by: Fina | Thursday, September 18, 2003 at 11:48 AM