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« Jaring Merge with TMNet? | Main | Taking Stock e-Learning initiatives in Malaysia »

Tuesday, September 16, 2003



CMC ties with Telekom Malaysia?
hmmmmm......... interesting. pls email me on that.

So far CMC has dogged Telekom, in my opinion.
USO sucks, they only paid us back less than 40% of what we expensed, and the rest of it is none in sight.
That's why we are treading on very carefully nowadays.
Asyik kena tipu jek.
Kena bear the cost, nama buruk, takde appreciation. Belum masuk bab cikgu ngan budak sekolah reti tak guna Internet for School... belum tentu lagi CMC nak bayar balik investment Telekom pasang VSAT merata-rata...
Alahai, sabar je la orang Telekom. :P :P :P

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