They were nice to each other in this picture, but things sure had gone 'sour' when Tijuana was told by Andrew that Nicole wanted to form alliance to vote off Tijuana at the tribal council. There were three candidates to be sent off according to Andrew (the Morgan tribe leader); Lillian, Ryan S, and Nicole. In the end Nicole was sent off because of the backstabbing drama featuring her and Tijuana.
I would have voted off Ryan S! Could care less with drama, but lack of teamwork spirit should have been the determining factor. Well, I can't wait to see who's that fellow whining to go home when the game is only in the second episode!
In this episode, Ryan S got most airtime than anybody else and only Sandra managed to barter effectively with the locals.
As for me, the last three seasons of Survivor were pretty much boring. This has got to be one of the good season of Survivor as the contestants are put on an island (that reminds me of Pulau Tiga) and only this time, they can't take anything from the luggage except the sneakers which Jeff Probst, the host had taken out for them to use at the immunity challenge.
So, let's see who will win the one million dollar this time! (Picture: Survivor Phoenix)
Hi Zarique,
This from the Typepad Comparisan chart:
TypePad Plus gives you control if you're comfortable with weblogs but not interested in managing technical details. In addition to having up to three weblogs on your account, you can create photo albums, password protect any or all of your weblogs and photo albums, create custom site designs using the TypePad template builder, use your own domain name (like, post to your site with mobile devices (moblogging), and schedule posts to appear in the future or date them to the past.
In addition to being able to edit the HTML of your weblog, you can create an unlimited number of weblogs, invite other authors to contribute to your site, archive your entries in multiple formats, and control your weblogs and photo albums down to the letter. Pro is the right
choice for group weblogs or advanced users who have experience in weblogs and web technology.
As for the picture to be displayed at the wordings of your posting, use the![]()
html tag
I probably gonna senfd ticket of suggestion to TypePad so that they can accept
other formats like sound, movie, and document; instead of just images.
I hope that helps ;-)
Posted by: haxa | Sunday, September 21, 2003 at 12:31 AM
Hi Haxa,
You sure have changed your site quite a bit.
Whats the main difference between pro and plus?
Can I add additional fields like sound files and upload it? I find it difficult to post pictures on plus? not phot albums but pictures with words? how la?
Can help ah?
Posted by: Zarique | Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 05:48 PM