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« Jon "Maddog" Hall Reasonings on Why Should You Go Free & Open Source | Main | Reviews: Les Miserables' Musical, Movie, & Soundtrack »

Wednesday, August 27, 2003



I don't know why do some Enterprises still think that it should always be Microsoft.
I am not against Microsoft.I use their products too.There are times when they need
decide which tools are best for a certain environment.
IMHO the Enterprises tend to think that when they fork out a large sum of money then
the product must be really good,it's an assurance for them that guarantee the
reliability of the product.That also bring us to reason #11.
I notice that Microsoft is pretty good at user experience design.Perhaps this is
where Open Source could tackle..and if only computer games like Quake could be played
on a LINUX machine..hmm that would be awesome.

-geek by nature,PHP by choice-

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