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Friday, July 18, 2003



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hey hey hey. Cant believe his birthday is on 3rd August and mine too.


I dono how I got this movie, this noon as I couldn't get sleep, started watching the movie. Now, I am treasuring this movie in my best of best collection. Amazing personality Antwone Fisher and his life story. Salute for you man (from the bottom of the hear)

Anna-May M.Baraquio

I just saw the movie last Friday, 08 May 2009. It was in my REED142 (Religious Education) class,it was so beautiful and I was really touched to know that it was based on a real story. I loved it! I consider it now as one of my favorites. Antwone Fisher... RULES!!! => Your a really, really TOUGH MAN. May God always bless you and your family. Your story was very inspiring.

Maryam Hammer

These words burn all the way down your guts........bringing back memories of a childhood lost



You can't imagine how much it will help me understand myself better if you email me back. My email is [email protected]. I also cried way too much during this movie. If we can chat and find out why we cry as grown men and some people just laugh at us when we look tough and mean yet we cry at stories of abandonment and such when we haven't even experienced this ourselves.

lady c

Everyone who has seen the movie should have been touched, especially by the poem. Even if you have not had the experience of the Antoine Fisher story, you have to have known someone in a similar situation and if that be not the case at least you now have insight on the TOUGH GUY with so much animosity and anger and fear of rejection. You should at least be able to feel that REALITY ya know. Reason being, its not just your world when others live here too. At some point in this life we all are affected to some degree or another from someones dysfunctional childhood, or lifestyle.


This is my favorite movie. I never had it bad as a kid. but this story touches me. Im a grown man, and I cry everytime I see the movie. Its an amazing story. Very well directed and well written, it does exactly what a god movie is supposed to do, forms an emotional bond with the characters. and for those who didnt like it... its ok this movie isnt for everyone. any 1 isnt movie isnt for everyone. its just a personal opinion.


This is my favorite movie. I never had it bad as a kid. but this story touches me. Im a grown man, and I cry everytime I see the movie. Its an amazing story. Very well directed and well written, it does exactly what a god movie is supposed to do, forms an emotional bond with the characters. and for those who didnt like it... its ok this movie isnt for everyone. any 1 gien movie isnt for everyone. its just a personal opinion.

Omar Al-Dolaimy

I've been searching for it since long time! :).

andrew jones

just watched the movie and all i can say is bravo Antwone fisher and thank you

A.D.  Watson

This poem is wonderful, I;ve seem the movie many times and this poem always does something to me. I'm going to start reading the book on next week, I know it will be greatT


I loved this movie and this poem is beautiful..when i watch the movie it makes me cry everytime...its a great movie and i recomend it to anyone♥

Troy L.

This poem hits home with me for a number of reasons. I am 25 years old and have never met my birth father, growing up I felt a lot of resentment towards people who had great parents. Mainly because I didn't experience that. I feel for anyone who has gone through what "Antwone" went through. Every male influence in my life has shown me the man not to be, instead of the person I should be. I still wonder what it would be like to meet my father, but this experience has made me a stronger person. If I've learned one thing, it's that one day I will be able give someone something I never had, a good father.


What a beautiful poem! What a brave young man!
How wonderfult that he was able to vocalize his feelings. I was very very touched by the movie and the poem...I have an adopted child who is now a young man and in so many ways this poem brought back memories of his earliest days with us when he cried himself to sleep. Heartbreaking. My hope is that like Antwone he will reach his potential and face the future with promise.

Patrick H. Kelley

Not only did I see the movie, the poem reminded me of my little boy. The little boy was never accepted nor respected. There were many strings attached and choices were not an option. Unconditional love was something that was never expressed nor demonstrated from the heart. Verbal and physical abuse dominated much of my childhood. I had to be very careful as to which door to open every time I stepped into the house. I survived by means of manipulated coping skills to avoid the shame, guilt, physical consequences, and the emotional pain that speared my heart and spirit. The poem reflects my childhood and impressed me by its message of how I thought that I was living in a functional home only to realize how toxic and dysfunctional my life was.

Tamara Girdwood

Ever since i watched Antwone Fisher i have loved that poem it really tells you what men are feeling inside expecially for young indigenous boys

whitney evans

i was tryin to find some poems to english and i come cross this website and when i read the poem i was like that sounds like somebody i know and grow up with. but she was a girl not a boy. and then i remember the movie Antwone Fisher

Tiana T

I thought that movie was amazing b/c I kno so many people that have been in the situation and for somebody to tell about the way he did was incredible. I thought his poem was one of the most insightful things I had ever read. It makes you take a step back and look at things people don't always look at.


This poem was beautiful,and Mr. T is an idiot for thinking otherwise.....I saw alot of my oldest son in this poem.He always had us and the rest of his family but he also had the battle with drugs and alcohol going on..Just when he realized what he needed to do to straighten his life out,he was killed by a drunk driver....There is a little bit of this poem in all of us,and the movie was very moving and beautiful....

Mr. T

I watched this movie, and read the book. This movie is for pussy's. Mr. T says " I pitty the fool who sees this movie".


Can any of you people spell? This poem does exactly what it is supposed to. It expresses the way he feels. Nobody was ever there for him when he needed someone. Even though he is now an adult, he still has the pain of his childhood within him and is reaching out for a little sympathy from someone who cares.


I saw the movie for the first time today and I was touched by the whole thing,especially the poem. I was employed at the state prison for 2 years and I saw more than 1 inmate in this poem. I formed a special bond with a young inmate that I still correspond with and I am sending him a copy of this poem. He writes poetry and sometimes feels that he is alone when it comes to a misfortunate childhood. I think he will be touched by this poem. I feel the anyone who was not affected by this has lead a very priviledged life. There are many children and adults that have lived similar lives to Antwone Fisher.


I saw the movie for the first time today and I was touched by the whole thing,especially the poem. I was employed at the state prison for 2 years and I saw more than 1 inmate in this poem. I formed a special bond with a young inmate that I still correspond with and I am sending him a copy of this poem. He writes poetry and sometimes feels that he is alone when it comes to a misfortunate childhood. I think he will be touched by this poem.

Terry A Harris

This poem is interesting I can't really say I can feel what he going threw since I didn't go threw what he been threw but have great compassion for antwone because he didn't break down or give up. He is an strong man and I respect him and his poem for that.

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