The weather couldn't be any better, cloudy, gloomy, and dark, the kind of weather that makes me feel good. It's breezy, though humid, but still, too good to be true. After 'rainless' weeks before, this week, well it is only Tuesday, that this time, we are blessed with that much amount of rain. The heavy downpour yesterday surprised me in everyway, because as far as I can remember it has been a long time since it rains at that hour, that while I was just going to start on my literature review, the sound of thunder and the raindrops outside, makes me feel all cozy and comfy to start on my work.
This morning, the weatherman on the famous Malaysian morning show, Malaysia Hari Ini, forecasted that there will be some rain and thunderstorm this evening, probably by the time I am supposed to leave home. Weather review in Malaysia has now becoming better particularly on that morning show. I can't complain the lack of creativity since we only play rain or no rain, no thing on percipitation, no thing on pollen, like in the four seasons' countries. I miss the beautiful fall scenery in South East America. Romantic and inspiring. It brings out the memory of the bustling early morning walk to the halls, the packed cafetaria, the bagel, the coffee smell, the bananas, and the can of cokes of which some of the students take to the class for some caffeine treat.
So, believing in the forecast today, I brought myself my favorite blue umbrella. Another item that was enough to make me feel so busy with articles, my sling Gap backpack, the laptop, and that umbrella. Wouldn't it be great if we got snow here, that I could defintely put on a trenchcoat or jacket!
Ano, asi tak to je
Posted by: vialmdalgem | Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 10:11 PM