This Sunday I will be sitting for an examination, and I am not well prepared for it. With Philip Glass's score on Escape to India playing on my earphones right now, my mind is trying to escape from the mental block that I have been experiencing lately. Juggling between the exam preparation and the paper for submission can be cumbersome, though I got used to it already, this time it is not the same.
The best thing about writing any paper is that you got so many materials to your findings, but it sucks when you have the InfoSmog syndrome, when you are overwhelmed with too much information, the exact state I am in right now, and I can't seem to decide what goes where.
It is already Wednesday, I am scared as hell like I have never been before. The paper has yet to have a proper structure, although I have most of the answers already. It probably require a one nighter to get a better attention to it.
Last week was a total waste. Thought that I needed some break, I took some days off, only to find out that I too much of a break. Procastination is creeping through my veins and my attention has been slowing, I admit so.
Anyway, with about an hundred odd hours more to go before the exam, I'll figure things out and get through with this one.