This is without a doubt one of the best non-fiction book I have ever read. Praise to Greene who had properly put his thought clearly into the most linear'ed' and segmented idea organization you can ever found in a book.
Each law is supported by its Judgment, Trangression & its Interpretation, Observance & its Interpretation, Keys to Power, and its Image .
Read insights into some of the ancient war moves e.g. Bonaparte, Alexender the Great, etc; political and modern day strategist like Henry Kissinger. Even better, read the ways of how some of the famous con men in history; e.g. Yellow Kid Weil preyed their victims.
The first law: Never Outshine the Master is the best start for me as after reading it, I understand better one of the Malaysian's most scandalous political action.
The Judgment of the first law reads:
"Always make those above you feel comfortable superior. In your desire to please and impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite-inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power."
i agree with this. i mean , the amount of research thats obviously gone into the making of this book is amazing. reading this book is like reading and analysing some of the greatest epics and books wriotten
simply a must read.
vibin panakkal
kochi, kerala, india.
Posted by: vibin panakkal | Friday, August 22, 2003 at 11:01 PM