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Friday, July 11, 2003


Hamba Allah

Sorry, I mean from Shah Alam, you got yo turn left.. ;D

Hamba Allah

From Kesas, you can see Endah Parade, turn into that area, if you are from Ampang, turn right, if you are from Shah Alam, turn right. Go straight along that road until you find BH Petrol Station. Turn left after that petrol station. Then, go straight again, until you'll find that mosque at your right..Then you have to u-turn to the mosque..

I just bought a jubah there RM 35..Wow! Alhamdulillah, after several years not buying jubah..



I wonder where this mosque is, would you be able to give me detail of the adress and telephone number. I've heared also that this mosque has madrasah too...


teruskn perjuangan mu

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