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I'm an Instructional Designer (Staff Technologist) integrating people, process, and tools in the space of enterprise learning. I believe HPT, ethnography, and human factor engineering are key into successful diffusion of innovation.

Currently, I'm a fan of Paulo Coelho, John Gladwell (Blink, Tipping Point), James Surowiecki (The Wisdom of Crowds) , Everett Rogers (Diffusion of Innovation), and Clayton Christiansen (Seeing What's Next).

My short term goal is to secure a place for D. Ed in Educational Technology after finishing my MBA two years back.

Daily readings include The Inquirer, Engadget, Gizmodo, Wired, Slate, ZDNet, and occasionally Salon, and The New Yorker. Vanity Fair is my choice for monthly reading; mainly to get insights into left-wing idealism and lifestyle.

I enjoy photography, tennis, football, music, and DVD collection. I would love to master the art and science of barista, film making, and piano given the right time and resource.

I just bought a DSLR i.e. Nikon D40X and I am in love. ;-)

Here are important links:

Blogs -
I write or review books/film/music/food here frequently (as I can).

Flickr -
I post my photos here

LinkedIn -
Corporate networking.

Yahoo! Messenger - [email protected]
I am here quite often

MSN Messenger - [email protected]

YouTube -